Joanna Zakrzewska EN

12 questions to: Joanna Zakrzewska, ACCA, CIA, CFE Joanna, thank you very much for agreeing to participate in 12on12. Let’s start with competence. Co-chairing the 30% Club Poland social campaign, I often hear that positions should be awarded based on competence, not gender. I fully agree. The current situation contradicts this completely. In 2021/22, women […]

Zeeshan Naeem EN

12 questions to: Zeeshan Naeem Zeeshan, thank you very much for agreeing to take part in the ESG 12on12 project. It’s my pleasure, Milena. It’s always nice to have fruitful discussions with you. We are both part of the Chapter Zero Poland initiative. Tell our readers more about the initiative and why you decided to join […]

Sylwia Pałgan EN

12 questions to: Sylwia Pałgan Sylwia, sustainable supply chain has no secrets for you – you have been working with this topic for several years. I’m glad to see that with the integration of ESG (environmental, social and governance) elements into decision-making, the topic is gaining traction. So let’s start at the beginning – what […]

Ewa Sowińska EN

12 questions to: Ewa Sowińska Ewa, thank you very much for agreeing to take part in ESG 12on12. Your CV is impressive and the list of roles you have held is enormous. Let’s start with the topics related to your 25+ year career as a statutory auditor, i.e. issues related to the letter G – […]

Hedwige Nuyens EN

12 questions to: Hedwige Nuyens, CEO of the International Banking Federation and Chair of European Women on Boards Hedwige, thank you very much for accepting the invitation to ESG 12on12 interview! It is an honour to speak to you. Recently, you have achieved an enormous success – you have helped to bring the Women on […]

Piotr Rybicki EN

12 questions to: Piotr Rybicki Piotr, thank you very much for agreeing to take part in ESG 12on12. The season of general meetings is behind us. Many public companies have elected supervisory boards, some supervisory boards have elected management boards. Both these bodies will soon be working in a different reality – on October 13, […]

Michał Wnorowski EN

12 questions to: Michał Wnorowski Michał, thank you very much for accepting the invitation to ESG 12on12! You are a corporate governance practitioner, you have looked at our Polish capital market from the perspective of an institutional investor nominating independent supervisory board members. Over the last years, you have been sitting on supervisory boards as […]

Anna Potocka-Domin EN

12 questions to: Anna Potocka-Domin Ania, thank you so much for participating in the ESG 12on12 project! It is a great honour for me. You work for the United National Global Compact Network Poland – let’s explain to our readers what the UN is and what its corporate arm Global Compact is. The United Nations […]

Iwona Gębusia EN

12 questions to: Iwona Gębusia, PhD, Habil. Iwona, thank you so much for accepting the invitation to #ESG 12on12. You are a lawyer specialising, among other, in capital markets law. It’s a tough field, you have to understand not only the law but also best practices that make up corporate governance. This is what we […]

Mirella Panek-Owsiańska EN

12 questions to: Mirella Panek-Owsiańska Mirella, thank you very much for accepting the invitation to ESG 12on12! We meet at a very difficult time, when a terrifying war is taking place just across our eastern border, and you are very much involved in helping Ukrainians, the war refugees. This is exactly what I wanted to […]